What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a powerfully holistic analysis, assessment & correction healing modality gaining momentus popularity around the world; because it takes the guesswork out of consultations & is therefore a compliment to both natural & orthodox medicine.


Kinesiology utilises the muscles as a barometer or type of gauge to analyse or assess the amount of Chi ( energy) flowing through the acupressure meridians in & even around the body; into the body's systems & organs. This helps us ( practitioner & client) be informed & aware of any stresses or imbalances within the body/being ie. These stresses can include emotional, nutritional, structural and electrical stress.

Once imbalances are established or understood, kinesiology then becomes a tool to allow us to know the priority order it which the body/being wants to be corrected or balanced to a particular event, substance or issue in order for health, happiness & personal empowerment to be restored for that specific individual.

The results of kinesiology can be anywhere from simple 'aha's',  to miracles! 

Kinesiology was developed by doctors, chiropractors and acupuncturists in the U.S.A in the 1960's. They shared their knowledge of how the body worked & combined it with Chinese medicine, developing a totally new science technology acknowledging that the body is like an electrical piece of equipment, which is controlled by an incredibly complex computer, namely the brain, but also the somatic system of the body. 

The brain is designed to be continually in communication with each of the 639 muscles in the body as well as every organ & gland. Kinesiology gives us the opportunity to read the energy moving through muscles of the body which in turn reflects on its corresponding organ or system & then the collective body systems & essentially our health. When the body is addressed holistically and its innate intelligence is conveyed and understood, it works much better for us.

What many scientists like about the Chinese Medicine model - is it has been researched and documented for thousands of years… and also integrates in the latest in advanced neurology. Thus blending the best of ancient and present science.

What we love about the chinese medicine system is, it is holistic & systematic. Kinesiology  uses energy systems in the body to heal or assist all bodily ( & being) functions. The practice of kinesiology is not limited to Chinese medicine however. It can be used with any culture's medicinal / healing traditions.

Everything ( organ, muscle, cell, vibration) in the body communicates with everything else, so if we look at the body holistically rather than symptom by symptom, we get a better understanding of what is going on in an individual.

If a muscle is energetically and electrically in balance, it will test strong, meaning it is electrically communicating back & forth with the brain. A muscle eventually becomes electrically out of balance when it is overstressed about something. This 'stress' ( chemical, emotional, structural or electrical ) effectively blows the fuse box of electrical activity from the muscle to the brain; in order to preserve the bigger system or body. Then the electrical signals in one or more muscles go weak, causing problems elsewhere in the body.



DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. This information is not backed up by scientific evidence. This is just for your information. Individual results may vary.

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So what kind of stresses cause a muscle to go weak & indicate imbalance?

  • Biochemical imbalances - particular food deficiencies, food excesses, food intolerances create incompatibilities with the body affecting both the brain’s function &  the performance of parts of the body or being. 

  • Chemicals, heavy metals & environmental toxins pollute the flow of information through the nervous system to the DNA in our cells, halting great performance.

  • Vitamin & mineral excesses or deficiencies

  • Trauma or emotional upsets that have been un/consciously held onto, continue  affect us & our cells on all somatic and energy systems until we have understood  integrated the knowledge.

  • Electrical or electropollution causes ie. electric blankets, microwave ovens, power points, cell phones, 3G, 4G, 5G technology, landline phones, computers, tablets, pagers, Blue tooth, television, underwire bras or jewellery, gym equipment , highly positively ionized environments & more all affect humans, animals & plants to some degree. For those sensitive to one or more, this can create dire health issues.

We rebalance & therefore strengthen the body against the stress by:

  • Informing ourselves using kinesiology as a guide. Making ourselves consciously aware of what the stress is so we can do something about it.

  • Once we have communicated with the body, we then find out what priority it wants, in order to get itself well.

  • Abstaining from the stressor is sometimes needed, where possible to allow the body's own rebalancing system, ie. homeostasis to be initiated.

  • Reprogramming the body. Understanding that the brain is a fast bio-computer - we are able to use kinesiology as a process of rebalancing an individual. Ie.to be tolerant or centred in relation to the things above that once were stressors. I liken this process to reprogramming a computer, and it's much easier!

  • Find ways to maintain that strength in the body, again by asking the body what is needs & referring to an organised system of questions that encompasses any area of health & lifestyle possible.

What else can we do with kinesiology?

  • We can help the individual reach a goal they yearn for or need, in order to be well or happy in this life. This is done by setting a goal, checking in with the body the exact words to say in that goal, so as to trigger the responses the body needs, in order to action that goal. Goal examples: a triathlete unable to climb one hill on his known ride, breathing difficulties, spelling, public speaking difficulties, fears of anything, weight loss goals, sporting achievements, pain reduction, boosting energy, relieving stress, habit breaking, relationship issues - with oneself or other people..... & the list goes on extensively.

  • Regular kinesiology treatments help an individual to become more aware of their health, on all levels of their existence- intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationships, career, financially etc. It helps individuals communicate their needs better, action what it takes to make their lives more successful & helps them feel comfortable with the art of taking responsibility for their own health & happiness - also known as personal growth. 

  • Support your endeavours to increase consciousness & vibration.